Sunday 28 February 2010

Der kitzelnde Gesang und Ruf mit dessen Stille und Schweigen.


Über Damaskus liegt der Gesang der Götter.
Von den Türmen wird in die Ferne, aus den Herzen der Menschen gerufen.
Der Staub der Erde, die Seelen der Bewohner, erhebt sich mit dem Wind, die Musik tragend, in die Luft über der Stadt, über das Land, über die Berge und die Ozeane.

Mit offenen Augen fängt sich dieses Wort des Morgens in den Gedanken der Menschen.
Der Geist gibt sich den Wogen der Komposition hin, lässt sich erbeben und tragen durch den Staub, durch den Sturm der Straßen.

Mit müden Augen schließt das Gebet und lyrischer Gesang und räsoniert in den Tiefen der Körper wie in einem verwunschenen Tal.
Im Tal der Geschichten und Heldenlieder.
Mit den Lichtern der Nacht, wird das Auge des Tages geschlossen und räsoniert stampfend, trommelnd, pochend in den Tänzen der Leidenschaft aus den Tiefen der Metropolis.
Die Geister des Tages werden ausgetrieben, so dass im Dunklen; im Stillen der frühen Morgenstunden sich eine Stimme auf den Türmen über der Stadt, vor dem ersten Sonnenblinzeln für ihren neuen Ruf sammeln kann.
Bevor der Kitzel, die Strahlen der Sonne das Blut, das Wasser erneut zum Kochen, zum Leben erweckt.

Aynur Dogan - Heseniko 

Damaskus Jazz 2

Gesammelt nahm sie das Schwert vom magischen Staub der Stadt und der Nacht,
schlug die Augen auf,
blickte in die blendend aufgehende Sonne,
hörte die Musik und den Gesang beginnen
und strebte dem Gleis des Tages,
der aufgehende Morgensonne entgegen,
bis ihr Kreuz und Körper, die Welt, den Himmel über der Stadt zeichnete,
und den Gesang in die Wolken, zu den Sternen und ihren Kreuzen trug,
wie ein Feuerwerk der Farben, welches die Welt tanzen und pochen lässt,
über den Regenbogen getragen, der geschlagen wurde, über das gezeichnete Kreuz,
dass die Musik wandern lässt,
um wieder zurück zu kehren,
im Sturz,
zur neuen alten Stadt,
den Wind und Staub des Lebens,
erneut erbeben zu lassen und
erneut zu erleben, bespielen und zu verzaubern,
gemeinsam zum Fest der Nacht,
zur Pause für jeden,
für einen neuen Morgen,
für einen neuen Ruf!

Für einen neuen Gesang und Tanz;
 für dessen Leidenschaft, Liebe und Leben!

added 07.03.2010

Final Fantasy XIII International Trailer

Saturday 6 February 2010

"Remember"; Inspiration!

 (by Nsae)
Let me tell you a story!

Once you were a queen and a prince, and you only had one week to get you knowing!
Remember how you hesitated, but finally took a chance & grasped the hand of your dearest!
Remember how luck was on your side, that played you together, joined into one task!
And remember how your glances touched your skin!
How you got washed away by words, who flushed you into new seas of colour and inspiration!

Remember how you woke up to a world in which such magic can happen, without regret!
Now that you remember, fly my fool! Into new skies!

I HAD a thirst,
I had a dance or two with you!

Now I remember them, and dance in the dark,
because I have closed my eyes, beeing back at the sparkling dancefloor, dancing towards tomorrow!

Magically, you say, I remember; stepping into a NEW future!

Saturday 16 January 2010

Crumble me! Consume me!

Because in faith & balance, I will rise (& grow) from this consumption (& relaxation) & style, magically by this cast spell, of the stories, that prevail!

Thus raging fires devestate the lands. But the spell remains...
Linked? How? (thats the question, & not how to be linked)
...the magic & power of stories & tales; RPGs & Adventures like FF6 & Beyond G&E!

Let my world crumble,
and I will rise,
rise from your raging fires,
like a phoenix from my own,

Wednesday 9 December 2009


I am Science-Fiction!
And this is my life!

Monday 30 November 2009

Attention(s) (of) moments! - Na'ir al Saif: A colage. } Let's have sway(ing moments)!?

Don't you see all those fiery eyes of the pinnacles,
those beautiful glamorous moments of awareness's, attentions and feelings.


... of metropolitan cities, like in wars, between stars.

One moment, one attention at a time.

It's all about the mistakes of attentions!
What (a) game?!
Which infection!?

It's like the fact, that most of the interstellar population,
didn't recognize that Michael Jackson died, or even lived;
and that the election of Barack Obama took place, and was important for us!
For whom?

Who draws?!


On the shoulder of Orion.
Like tears in rain.

They are my tears?
Whos tears?
Do you care(?) ... about me?

Who am I?
Whos attention do I want?

Attention what for?
What performance, what achievment;
what attention?

Attention for what?

Attention(!) what is that?

{Needed?: The (in/)attentional error of devotional love, and all that jazz, with bloody conflictual border smearing, swaying, cool stylish galmour sex(yness) games!? Having their moments!? - A solution!?}

(added 03.12.2009, 20:30, at Uni Wien HBiblioth.)
Do just what you love! BUT LOVE TO DO IT!!!
BUT ALSO do NOT missinterprete "IT", as one fixed LOVE, LOVE is an evolutionary, connected, conflicting, errorised, death & birth.

Love is a process.
Love is a flow!
A red blooded line of on the mirror worlds edges!
Love in motion is, a the bliss (the rapture?).

Thus attend the process, the flow of your love, and love it's process and evolution, and all it's actors.
Have (/Attend) faith in your most creative flow of love.
Trust it!

Saturday 20 June 2009

A Song, and it's lyrics: Don't swallow that cherry stoney seed! Writing in the dark! Midnight...

memories of the day,
of lying with you in the sun, in the green,
falling down from the sky, from the heavens!

We pour & part, in the rivers of history,
down, those streets of light, in the city of the night!

The day is over.
Our bodies join the stream of life,
as we dance to the Jazz,
down our path,
it's a choreography!

Lightnings light,
paint and smear,
your silhouette, your picture,
into the sky,
of individuals,
of dancers,
of stars and lights,
like me and you,
the crown jewels of society!

Drawn in the memories of the horizon,
where our sun said good bye to us!

Now the moon, smiles upon us,
as sole uniter, of our souls,
reflecting in the water of the streets, in the rivers,
which part, at the noisy crossroads, of the evening,
like our lifes did, when our memories droped, poured, into the rivers, of the streets,
when it rained.

As the morning grows, the tempreture rises,
and we leave the dirt,
and the bed of mother(,) earth,
and as vapour we drift & dance once more, when we sleep,
into the skies and heavens, of our dreams,
where we shall be united once more,
in the play of rain & clouds,
in sex and love,
to join the morning sun, above the clouds,
for a new birth, after the good-bye, after death and memory,
in the fields of yesterday.

Above our beds, and castle clouds,
above our save grounds,
in our h(e)avens, underneath our stars,
watching the moon to make space for,...
...for a new day of (our) love & history,
new memories,
of the sun on the horizons!

How sweet,
a dream,
of strange juicy fruits!
of Life(s)
Jazz and dances!

It is something bitter, to say goodbye,
to die,
sweetly love the error
and you will have something dignityfull
to narrate, bitterly sweet, after the day!
Death is the readyness, the love!
Gran Torino?

Love is a memory
A day

(in the June of two summers)
Happy new Birth-day

Billie Holiday - Love me or Leave me
video by chansondautomne

Dedicated to (but initially not inspired by; but by jazz, in general. On the way home, on a rainy, silent, evening, after a day of work, and history)...

Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit

The Puppini Sisters, "Jilted" (dir: Alex de Campi)

Madeleine Peyroux - J'ai Deux Amours

Madeleine Peyroux - Once in a while

"I am tired [,] of dying"
"The sun is up, enlightens the sky.
I never could see it, it just passed me by"
"Once in a while, I'll wake up."
"But once in a while, comes, and fades away."
"I don't know what love ist."
"Once in a while, I'll wake up."
"Living instead."

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Frühlingserwachen, am UB M²-Fenster.

Bald ist es wieder so weit.

Die Wolken drehen sich ein,
der Himmel wird dunkel, verfärbt sich, zu einem dunklen Blau.

Die Säle,
die weiten Flure,
entgeisterte Blicke sehen auf,

von ihren Seiten,
zwischen all dem Wissen,
all den Büchern.

Sie werden still.

Denn es passiert etwas göttliches,
etwas leidenschaftliches,
etwas Ehrfurcht erregendes,

in all dieser Stille.

Es bricht ein lang ersehnter Konflikt,
zwischen dem Staub; ... der Erde
und den Wölkchen; ... dem Himmel aus.

Bäume & Regen;
... Menschen zwischen ihnen,
ihre Gemütlichkeit & Heimeligkeit
nicht zerstörend,
sondern verstärkend,

Mit dem Prasseln,

Bald werden auch die Blätter wieder zu tanzen beginnen,
wenn der laue Wind,
dem Zuhause,
wärmend, das Gewitter bringt!


... Erleichterung
... ... Ausgleich
... ... ... Balance

... Geborgenheit

Sunday 11 January 2009

A Path

What else purpose should
a Dream,
the third
thus hope, believe
and trust in the balance & Pendulum
of the diverse pattern,
of Haddad,

Other than guiding you through the
the dark of the oceanic night,
on a storm shaken ship.
As guiding star,
along with your peer-((r)ing)s!

To find back to the home,
your castle,
which you seek!

I will go into the unknown!

To be able to wash away the old distractions, the uncontrollable, to once again see the castle which you belong too, (enhanced by the experiences you treasured)!

(added 30.11.2009: To finally dream with and by faith, the unknown!)

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Poetry, my brother?

Oh poetry, oh poetry;
what shall I speak?

Spontainious gazes,
an undiscovered country?

Or rather real poetry?

Is poetry made; to be understood?
What shall I speak, my brother?

Should I testemony for reason,
or the abstract?
Or both?

For now, and for me,
dancing with the gazes, the you, in the library.

I shall be off duty,
for the sake of poetry.

Thats the art,
to let you be, to be myself,
to be concrete, to be abstract,
to be on, and off duty.

For now I shall be off duty,
dedicated to you,
for the sake of myself!


Marry X-Mas, my friend!
(added 30.11.2009: Poetry, spoken FAITH!)

Sunday 30 November 2008

The undiscovered country - The romance of THE empires - The drama of Birth and Death - Love & Diversity: Universal Rain - Life & live - Celebrate

was & is

At first he was nothing but a fool,
venturing in the dark,
journeying for the promised lands,
for seeking guidance & truth!

This was, when he was not!

He then found his love,
found it and conquered it, in an unknown exotic world,
and ate from it and became insatiable addicted, by its sweet tastes and dreams,
not seeing its own beauty,
obsessed in creating, his world around it.
Not believing and without trust!

This was, when the other was not allowed to be itself, yet!

And once his world was not his anymore,
and the other became a conscience,
Death & Destruction was brought upon the the other, and thus the whole world.

He reigned for a thousand years,
always longing and thirsty!

This was, when we were not!

But one day, he was touched, once more by the grace of diversity,
and he learned to love, all differences,
he learned to be himself, next to the other
& trust all and every thing,
he found not by, nor, for them guidance,
on their voyage for believes,
but with them, they found.
They found their ways.

He found his place,
                      he found his truth,
and thus he laid down,
                                   in love and peace,
                It was time to die!

It is time to let go,
said the voice and grace.
To love him as much as her,
to love together, timelessly.

by Unity,
              in diversity!

Able to look where no one has dared to look,
taking a chance,
in the name of hope,
and the timeless love,
thus he woke.

And the world was in harmony,
dancing as one, with one another,
celebrating life,
in his name, in his picture,
in diversity,
in change,
in universal peace!

and culture was certain.
and the castles with their gardens were built.

Thus HE finally,



dancing timelessly in

Monday 13 October 2008



Oh, how I long for depth!
Beautiful is the horizon, when the sun sets in the west,

over the fields of the east.
No horse I can ride, over their golden silhouette.

The music of ultimate adventure rings in my ears,
but it is swallowed like in a pitch black hole.

I sit here after work,
dried out
in this bus,
spectating pure golden beauty
in the evening sky

Friday 10 October 2008

The whish of eternity - if I would have the eternal duty, to explore eternal beauty, I'd dream of this asylum!

Ich habe nur eine Frage:

Jedoch vorweg, als Antwort, jene klärenden Worte, zum Geschenk:

Wärmste Seide,
mit nichts als nur den Fingerspitzen,
endlich off duty,
und doch die tiefste Fülle

Dürfte ich dir die Haare waschen?

Of this I have reached certainty, off duty, reaching out like the arms of the red tree:
Die Spitzen und die Seide,
der Kontakt(t)raum,
die Einheit,
auch wenn nur für diesen Augenblick des Genusses,
Jedoch unendlich erfüllend,
die unendliche Hingebung,
die Erfüllung des Lebens,
und ihrem Abenteuer der Vielfalt.

Timeless Certainty
The sheer holyness

Nichts anderes als unverbindlichster Genuss der Zeit, mit einem anderen Menschen.

Friday 26 September 2008


I write down, with bloody hands, these words.
Riding through the lands,
dreaming of our castles gardens!
Oh, greensleeves, how I long for you!

Oh our dear King, protect us well,
and we shall web the net of certainty,
each one gloryfing the other.

Till we travel from paradise garden, to paradise garden!
Meeting on the lively marekts,
behind those shiny walls,
where the web of roads unite the world,
meet and hightening our,
each others glory of life!

Living the dreams of paradise gardens,
in the joined distand promised lands,
where our families castles lie,
in the valley of our dreams!

Where we shall die and give birth!
Live & change
Lough & cry
Love & protect
Let go & save

--- Greensleeves hörend, UK - Spain Kolonialismus Text von John Elliot lesend - nach Wien/Lernen/Tippen und Saibersdorf Halbtag (Tag 3.).

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Travel poetry


Lichter fliegen vorbei
Der Himmel wird dunkel
Wir verlassen die Stadt
Einer neuen, und strahlenden
Zukunft entgegen
Horizone we are coming!

Beacons of light


Megalopolis to Air-Citadel !

Come in ?

Der Torero, geschlagen
Seine Reise, zuende
der letzte Geschmack
fremder sizilianischer Staub

Dunkle See
weite Distanzen
weite Reise

Meine Träume
am anderen Ende der See
hinter den Sternen

Wo ist mein Mond
Wo ist mein Stern,

der mich begleitet
auf stürmischer See.

Die Weite
Ein Reiter

Eine Staubwolke,
eine Reiterarmee,
ein Sturm,

ein Tanz der Träume,
Träume der Welt

-Gasoline Man-
I travelled all my life through the empty states of the USA,
since fate, struck my family.

My journey ended here,
here I found my new certainty!

My journey led me here,
I felt it was right, to stay here.

This lonely gas station,
felt like my world,
where I can live my character.
A location fitting the culture,
I have been aggregating while traveling.

This is my desert castle.
Only the souring wind lives with me,
residing in this vast kingdom,
of this desert beauty!

--Original 29.08.08 +23:00 - In train from Zürich to Vienna

Saturday 12 July 2008


Are you ever off duty?
Free from responsebility
your dreams and imagination


nothing more
nothing less


There is no
which it has to answer
does not


it is, thus

It may grow, or stirke
with its
lightning powers

but in the end

it will always return

it is a constant
thugh no law
it is a certainty

as long there is uncertainty
as long
there is a

as long there is duty
as long there is a dream
a cause
a call

as long as this worlds are apart
it will be
it will never disapear
as well as it will never

as I said

It just


and all it's

it just
... ... ...

like hour unknown goal
like hour unknown brothers
do not become

you are a part of us/me/you
even if you don't
cultivate it
or even know it
.... .... ....

there is no obligation
no duty
to them
there never was

this is just a desperate
call and cause
out of
of our
which can not grasp
all this just

do not fear
do not
hount jour dreams your imaginations

let them just be
they do not have to become
they are
they always were!

they always were free
ther never was a
a duty
a call
a cause
a responsebility
a job that has to be done
a goal that has to be raeched
an age to be grwon into
or to transform

these are all just characteristics
of the beeing

be an
free yourself
from duty
free your existance
from dictated dreams
out of fear
trust Hadad
that it always was and will be
that it will be and was always fullfilled

so fly my fools
as I have to learn to fly
from the feeling of duty
this feeling

Life is to free yourself from uncertainty
from duty
and just be you
trusting in you
that if you achieve the trust
all your duties
will be transformed
as all your life
will be transformed into
your beeing
which always was and will be

the things you do
your dreams
will not disapear
just will not be a

it just

your life
your dreams
just will be
and are
they will become certain
for you
in your
uncertain vision
your dreams
will just
will just
without an explenation
because they never needed one
only for you
your uncertainty

and for that it will still need it

you will have reattained


without duty
and suddenly
you will do things
which will seem for you
will be

be a duty anymore!