Friday, 26 September 2008


I write down, with bloody hands, these words.
Riding through the lands,
dreaming of our castles gardens!
Oh, greensleeves, how I long for you!

Oh our dear King, protect us well,
and we shall web the net of certainty,
each one gloryfing the other.

Till we travel from paradise garden, to paradise garden!
Meeting on the lively marekts,
behind those shiny walls,
where the web of roads unite the world,
meet and hightening our,
each others glory of life!

Living the dreams of paradise gardens,
in the joined distand promised lands,
where our families castles lie,
in the valley of our dreams!

Where we shall die and give birth!
Live & change
Lough & cry
Love & protect
Let go & save

--- Greensleeves hörend, UK - Spain Kolonialismus Text von John Elliot lesend - nach Wien/Lernen/Tippen und Saibersdorf Halbtag (Tag 3.).

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Travel poetry


Lichter fliegen vorbei
Der Himmel wird dunkel
Wir verlassen die Stadt
Einer neuen, und strahlenden
Zukunft entgegen
Horizone we are coming!

Beacons of light


Megalopolis to Air-Citadel !

Come in ?

Der Torero, geschlagen
Seine Reise, zuende
der letzte Geschmack
fremder sizilianischer Staub

Dunkle See
weite Distanzen
weite Reise

Meine Träume
am anderen Ende der See
hinter den Sternen

Wo ist mein Mond
Wo ist mein Stern,

der mich begleitet
auf stürmischer See.

Die Weite
Ein Reiter

Eine Staubwolke,
eine Reiterarmee,
ein Sturm,

ein Tanz der Träume,
Träume der Welt

-Gasoline Man-
I travelled all my life through the empty states of the USA,
since fate, struck my family.

My journey ended here,
here I found my new certainty!

My journey led me here,
I felt it was right, to stay here.

This lonely gas station,
felt like my world,
where I can live my character.
A location fitting the culture,
I have been aggregating while traveling.

This is my desert castle.
Only the souring wind lives with me,
residing in this vast kingdom,
of this desert beauty!

--Original 29.08.08 +23:00 - In train from Zürich to Vienna